Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Vision therapy progress in numbers and charts

November 29th, 2010: 14 degrees* ESO**, no fusion, no stereovision

April 7th, 2011: 8 degrees ESO, peripheral fusion, no stereovision

September 28th, 2011: 4 degrees ESO, peripheral fusion, upcoming central fusion, no stereovision

March 29th, 2012: 3 degrees ESO, peripheral fusion, central fusion, no stereovision

September 6th, 2012: aligned eyes, peripheral fusion, central fusion, double vision in daily life is gradually declining, no stereovision

May 2nd, 2013: aligned eyes, fusional area expanding, double vision usually absent, no stereo vision

October 3th, 2013: aligned eyes also increasingly while being in motion, double vision almost entirely absent except during reading, no stereo vision (even though I read a stereogram correctly 'by chance' so maybe I'm close)

April 1st, 2014: aligned eye posture increasingly solid; remaining convergence insufficiency while reading (double vision); stereo tests reveal latent ability to perceive some kind of depth but no conscious stereo vision; need for more speed, accuracy and consistency in ocular motor skills to fully unfold sensory modalities

* 1 degree = 1,75 prism diopter / 1 prism diopter = 0,57 degrees
**ESO= esotropia= cross-eyed as opposed to EXO=exotropia= wall-eyed

What I am going for! Original image taken from
'Association between reading speed, cycloplegic refractive error,
and oculomotor function in reading disabled children versus controls'

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